Trinity Lutheran Church
Downloadable Adult Bible Study 1 year reading plan
​Messianic Prophesies and Their New Testament Fulfillment
Powerpoint: "Why the Ark (and History) Still Matters"
Scripture References in the LBW bulletin insert
Scripture References in the Nicene Creed
"The Bible's Story = Our Story" Bulletin Series
Membership form - Trinity's Statement of Faith
A "short" Reformation Lesson from British History
Full page "Bible in 90 Days" reading schedule
"Bible in 90 Days" printable bookmark
"Bible in 180 Days" printable bookmark
A One Year Bible Reading Plan
6 Marks of Discipleship Powerpoint presentation
Igniter Media video "Cruise Ship vs. Battleship"
Trinity Constitution, adopted 2016
Trinity Bylaws, adopted 2016
Trinity Policies, adopted 2016
Lutheran CORE website
Lutheran CORE/NALC "Vision for Discipleship Networking"
The North American Lutheran Church (NALC)
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC)
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